About ICMR
The Institute of Capital Market Registrars (ICMR) was registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in line with the provisions of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 1990 as a company limited by Guarantee on 4th November, 2004 with number RC 610498. A bill to give ICMR a chartered status is now before the National Assembly.

Vision Statement
To create, develop and maintain a professional Institute of International standard
Mission Statement
To train and produce true professional registrars using the best certification procedures with the aim of continuously improving the theory and practice of share registration in Nigeria.

Core Value
Our core values are Honesty, Integrity and Transparency.
Our Objectives
- To organise and conduct Professional Examinations in Share Registration leading to the award of Associate of the Institute of Capital Market Registrars (ACMR).
- To regularly organise evening and weekend classes for student members preparing for the Institute’s examinations.
- To facilitate effective rapport between practicing Registrars;
- To take desirable measures to further the interest of share registration in the country;
- To organise lectures, seminars and conferences on Share Registration and related fields.
- To uphold and ensure observance of professional ethics and tradition in the industry;
- To publish In-house Journals and Professional Share Registration textbooks
- To promote general advancement of share registration in the country
- To conduct research into the theory and practice of share registration in Nigeria
- To disseminate information relating to share registration to the public and to liase with the Government and the regulatory bodies towards promoting and regulating the practice of share registration in the country
- To undertake any project or do anything which is deemed to be in the best interest of members; and
- To provide consultancy services in share registration and in related fields.