Application for Membership
Application forms for student registration are obtainable from the Institute and its representative in Abuja for N500 a copy, Registration can also be done on-line. The application forms contain information on current fees, subscriptions and levies. Registration fee is N5,000.00.
Registration Deadline
Candidate taking the February examinations must register as student member not later than 31st October of the preceding year and those entering for August examination not later than 30th April of the same year.
Examination Entries
Entries for examinations must be made on the prescribed forms available at the Secretariat/on-line on payment of N2,000.00. The latest period of entry for February examinations is January 15th and for August is July 15th . All entries should be accompanied by two self-addressed and stamped envelopes. Membership registration numbers obtained will used as the examination numbers.