Candidature is open to all those employed in Registrar outfits, capital market operators and other financial institutions and all those interested in share registration professional examinations in any sector of the economy provided they meet the minimum qualification approved by Council from time to time.
Students of any discipline who meet the minimum qualification approved by Council from time to time.
Entry Qualification for Examinations
The minimum qualification in ND, NCE or any equivalent qualification.
Conduct of the Examinations
- The packets of question papers shall be opened by an accredited Examination Superintendent in the presence of the candidates at the time of the examination.
- Candidates must endeavor to quote their correct examination numbers on their answer scripts and adhere strictly to the examination rules and regulations.
• Results shall be released soon after each examination.Refund of Fees:
Once an entry has been accepted, there will be no refund of fees. However, fees can, on request, be carried forward to the next examination diet, only. Any request for deferment must be made at least one month to the examination date.Centres:
Examination Centres are as listed on the examination entry form.Changes of Centres:
Change of examination centre is allowed only as a result of a transfer from one location to another. Request for change of centre should be in writing and must be received by the National Secretariat at least 3 weeks to the examination.Correspondence:
In all correspondences with the Institute concerning examinations, candidates should please quote their membership numbers.Discipline:
Disciplinary actions as prescribed by Council shall be taken against any candidate found guilty of examination misconduct. Such disciplinary actions are as stated in table below:Offences And Penalties
1 | Bringing into the Hall materials related to the examinations |
2 | Proven cases of spying or copying from another candidate |
3 | Impersonation |
4 | Assistance from Invigilator | 1) The Invigilator
5 | Substitution of Prepared Answers Script(s) | 1) The person Assisting
Important Notices
- No exception to the regulations can be made on account of entries or correspondences lost or delayed in transmission. Candidates should therefore send their entries early and make enquiries if they do not get an acknowledgement within a reasonable time.
- Forms should be completed in all respects and with correct information and attachments.
- Incomplete forms giving incorrect information shall be rejected.
- Council’s decision in all aspect of the examinations are final and no action shall lie against the Institute and/or its Officers.