- INTEGRITY A member shall at all times conduct himself as a person of integrity and probity. He shall observe the principles of the Institute so that the Profession shall be enhanced.
- HONESTY A member shall at all times act honestly and in such manner that customers are not caused to be misled. He shall not in the course of discharging his professional duties knowingly or recklessly disseminate false or misleading information to third parties.
- PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE It is expected that, in his Practice as a professional Registrar, a member shall seek at all times to ensure that he attains the appropriate levels of qualification that will enhance his competence as a Registrar.
- A member shall at the earliest opportunity bring to the notice of his employers or his customers in all cases whereby conflict of interest arises in the discharge of his duties to such employers or customers as the case may be.
- Where the terms of service agreement of a member with his employers are in conflict with this code of conduct the provision of the Institute’s Professional Code of Conduct shall prevail.
- Unless required by law, a member shall not disclose or permit disclosure to any other person, firm or company any confidential information concerning his employers or his customers’ business without the consent of such employers or customers.
- Unless required by law, a member shall not use, to the pursuit of his personal interest, any confidential information concerning his employers or his customers.
- DESCRIPTION OF DESIGNATORY LETTERS (FCMR, ACMR) A member of the Institute may use the designatory letters, FCMR (for Fellow of the Institute of Capital Market Registrars), ACMR (for Associate of the Institute of Capital Market Registrar) as appropriate. A member who holds a national or service honour (such as O. O. N., C. F. R., M. O. N etc or relevant academic degree (e.g. B. Sc., M. A., Ph.D, Dip. Etc) is entitled to use the appropriate designatory letters after his name.
No member of the Institute shall be allowed to seek redress for any act of wrong doing, or matters relating to the Institute’s affairs through legal action without the permission of the Governing Council.
Any member who institutes a legal action against another member on matter(s) relating to the Institute without the expressed permission in writing of the President/Chairman of Council shall be liable to the following penalties.
- Withdrawal of Membership
- Reporting to the employer for bringing the name of the Institute into disrepute.